It is important to take a step back and review what the one sentence tie vote decision leaves open:
1. We don’t have any further clarification on the extent of Executive Action by any President in the future on immigration or any other issue which needs attention as the result of inaction by Congress.
2. States appear to be left with the power to sue the federal government any time they disagree with a federal policy. Will states ramp up such lawsuits in the future?
3. What do we do with the millions of unauthorized aliens currently living in the U.S? Do we try to deport them all regardless of their age when or how they came in, whether they overstayed visas, committed crimes, have a family in the U.S.and/or are gainfully employed? Do we try to categorize these immigration violators by a gradient of punishment which matches the gravity of the offense (e.g. minor to major fines, incarceration, deportation)? Think of traffic violators, who range from parking tickets to negligent homicide from a DUI.
Perhaps it is best the U.S. Supreme Court has left the issues open for citizens and their elected federal officials to make the hard decisions which will lead to concrete guidelines on who and how foreign nationals get punished for violations and who and how others in the future can visit, work, and/or live in our country.
Senators and Representatives of Congress, are you listening to your people, who are frustrated and mad at your inability and lack of desire to solve problems?